Vascular & Interventional Specialists

Hemorrhoid Embolization

Vascular & Interventional Radiologists & Vascular Surgeons located in Miami, FL

Hemorrhoid Embolization services offered in Miami, FL

About half of Americans aged 50 and up have hemorrhoids. If you can’t find relief from hemorrhoid symptoms like rectal pain or bleeding with over-the-counter medications, you might be a candidate for the hemorrhoid embolization services available at Vascular & Interventional Specialists. The team uses this minimally invasive procedure to shrink painful hemorrhoids and stop rectal bleeding for good. Treatment requires minimal downtime so that you can return to your routine immediately. Call the Miami, Florida, office to schedule a hemorrhoid embolization appointment or book a consultation online today. 

Hemorrhoid Embolization Q & A

What is hemorrhoid embolization?

Hemorrhoid embolization is a minimally invasive, interventional treatment for rectal bleeding that results from internal hemorrhoids.

The procedure works by blocking the abnormal blood vessel connections that form internal hemorrhoids. This cuts off blood flow to the network of vessels to shrink hemorrhoids and provide lasting relief from bleeding and other symptoms.

Vascular & Interventional Specialists offers hemorrhoid embolization procedures for adults on an outpatient basis.


Am I a candidate for hemorrhoid embolization?

You might be a candidate for the hemorrhoid embolization services available at Vascular & Interventional Specialists if you can’t find relief of hemorrhoid symptoms with other treatments.

Hemorrhoids develop when the pressure in the lower rectum causes an enlargement in nearby blood vessels known as corpus cavernosum recti (CCR). Rectal pressure can be the result of:

  • Excessive exercise
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Chronic constipation or diarrhea
  • Straining during bowel movements
  • Sitting for long periods

The Vascular & Interventional Specialists providers may recommend hemorrhoid embolization if you have moderate to severe rectal pain or bleeding from internal hemorrhoids that aren’t treatable with diet improvements, lifestyle changes, or medications.

The team completes a physical exam. They may request diagnostic imaging tests to identify internal hemorrhoids and confirm embolization is the right treatment for you.


What can I expect during hemorrhoid embolization?

During hemorrhoid embolization, your Vascular & Interventional Specialists physician inserts a long, thin tube (catheter) into an enlarged artery in your rectum. They use fluoroscopy (real-time X-ray) technology to guide the catheter into the correct location.

Your provider inserts small coils through the catheter to seal off blood flow through the artery. They can treat several arteries during the same procedure.

Typically, hemorrhoid embolization takes about 45 minutes and requires minimal downtime or recovery. Many people can go back to their usual routine the next day.

You may notice a reduction in bleeding and other hemorrhoid symptoms soon after your procedure. However, the treated hemorrhoid can take several weeks to shrink completely before your symptoms resolve.

Call the Vascular & Interventional Specialists to learn more about the benefits of hemorrhoid embolization, or book an appointment online today. The team looks forward to working with you.